The Conference of Metallurgists
Le premier événement de MetSoc
The Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM) brings together metallurgists and materials scientists from around the world. Professionals, academics and students present their research and network with others in their field.
COM is the perfect place to meet others and join the community. COM also organizes short courses and plant tours for attendees who want to dive deeper into a specific topic. The event takes place in a different major Canadian city every year.
Organisé par MetSoc de l’ICM avec le soutien de toutes les sections techniques et des volontaires.
Prochaine COM
The 63rd Annual Conference of Metallurgists
Du 19 au 22 août 2024
Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Événements récents de la COM
The 62nd Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2023)
21-24 août 2023
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The 61st Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2022)
21-24 août 2022
Hotel Bonaventure, Montréal, QC
Événements passés de la COM
- COM 2019 Hosting Copper 2019
- COM 2018 hosted by MS&T18