Ce contenu est disponible en anglais seulement. The course will cover fundamentals involved in chloride metallurgy, processing of sulfide concentrates and ores in reactor and heap leaching, extraction of rare earth elements in chloride media, electrolysis of molten salts, electrometallurgy in aqueous chloride media, reagent regeneration, and materials of construction.
Time | Module | Presenter |
11:00-11:50 | Theory and background of chloride chemistry in metallurgical processing | Bryn Harris, independent consultant |
12:00-12:50 | Leaching of sulfide concentrates in chloride media: process and technology development | David Dreisinger, UBC |
13:00-13:50 | Heap leaching of oxide and low-grade sulfides in chloride media: kinetics and process development | Wenying Liu, UBC |
Time | Module | Presenter |
11:00 11:50 | Extraction of rare earth elements in chloride media: material flow, flowsheets, separation plants, and environmental impacts | John Goode, J.R. Goode and Associates |
12:00 12:50 | Electrometallurgy in aqueous chloride media: electrowinning and electrorefining | Mike Moats, Missouri U of Science and Technology |
Time | Module | Presenter |
11:00 11:50 | Reagent regeneration: oxidation and spray roasting/pyrohydrolysis | Frank Baerhold, Andritz |
12:00 12:50 | Materials of construction: corrosion and selection of materials | Edouard Asselin, UBC |
12:50 13:15 | Wrap up |
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La Société de la métallurgie et des matériaux (MetSoc) est l’une des Societés qui composent l’Institut canadien des mines, de la métallurgie et du pétrole (ICM).