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Médaille d'argent de MetSoc

La médaille d'argent, créée en 1986, est décernée aux personnes qui ont construit, soutenu et développé la Société de métallurgie et des matériaux de l'ICM pour en faire l'organisation solide et de renommée internationale qu'elle est aujourd'hui.

Lauréat 2024

Elvi Dalgaard

Pratt & Whitney Canada

Citation: In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field of metallurgy and steel making, his role on the executive of MetSoc and his leadership in training metallurgy professionals who have for decades made a strong contribution to MetSoc.

Dr. Dalgaard holds a B.Eng in Metallurgical Engineering from McGill University, as well as a Master’s in Materials Engineering focusing on automotive alloy development and a Ph.D in Materials Engineering focused on the solid state welding of aerospace alloys, from the same institution. She has extensive experience in the characterization of advanced materials, including SEM, EDS, EBSD, TEM and XRD techniques. Her recent work includes initiating and managing research projects in the aerospace industry in the areas of metals, alloys, joining, thermoplastic composites, coatings, and advanced manufacturing including additive manufacturing. She is very active in Canadian and international professional societies, having been President of the Metallurgical Society of Canada (MetSoc) and holding a position on the executive council of ASM International (Montreal Chapter). Dr. Dalgaard has a strong interest in encouraging young people, especially women and underrepresented groups, in the scientific and engineering fields, and has participated in numerous mentoring and teaching activities. These include being a mentor with the Chaire Marianne Mareschal (promotion du genie auprès des femmes) and with Concordia’s “Women in Engineering Career Launch Experience”, and organizing an ASM Materials Mini-Camp for high school students.

2023 – Roderick Guthrie​

2022 – M. Isac

2010 – M. King

1998 – G.L. Bolton

2021 – M. Collins

2009 – G.P. Demopoulos

1997 – E. Ozberk

2020 – M. Wells

2008 – S. Marcuson

1996 – B.R. Conard

2019 – B. Davis

2007 – H. W. King

1995 – A. Plumpton

2018 – P. Wanjara

2006 – P.J. Mackey

1994 – G.M. Ritcey

2017 – D. Boyd

2005 – J. Finch

1993 – L. Seeley

2016 – D. Wilkinson

2004 – H. Henein

1992 – P. Tarassoff

2015 – M. Sahoo

2003 – C. Twigge-Molecey

1991 – W. Williams

2014 – G. Richards

2002 – A. Vahed

1990 – W.T. Thompson

2013 – N. Stubina

2001 – J.M. Walsh

1989 – J.E. Dutrizac

2012 – A. Allaire

2000 – C. Dìaz

1988 – M. Rigaud

2011 – J. Kapusta

1999 – F. Habashi

1987 – N.G. Thomas

1986 – J.M. Toguri


La médaille d’argent est destinée à récompenser les personnes qui ont contribué efficacement, sur une longue période, à la croissance de MetSoc. La nomination et l’attribution de la médaille d’argent relèvent de la responsabilité du président sortant et ne sont pas ouvertes aux nominations générales de l’ensemble des membres. Le vote est effectué par tous les anciens présidents.

Ce prix n’est pas doté d’une somme d’argent.

MetSoc Silver Medal Award

Le programme de nomination pour le prix est terminé pour 2023.