Women in STEM

Mining, metallurgy, and materials are vibrant and dynamic industries in Canada. It is imperative these industries practice purposeful female recruitment, encourage and promote the entry of women into these fields, and nurture female careers.

Our Projects Featuring Women in STEM

Women of Impact (Project 2015)

The impact of female leaders in mining, metallurgy, and materials is still unrecorded. Through these oral history interviews, the symposium, and the publication of a final manuscript, this project builds the collective and individual memories of some of the women in this field.

Women of Innovation (Project 2017)

In 2017,  the Women of Innovation project was launched and a symposium took place at the Conference of Metallurgists in August 2017. Women of Innovation aims to recognize and document the experiences and accomplishments of innovative Canadian female engineers across fields (not limited to Metallurgy). We disseminate their inspiring stories through a peer-reviewed publication and a symposium.

By recovering and writing the stories of these women’s lives, the project pays tribute to the accomplishments of Canadian women in engineering; inspire current engineers to become innovators in their field; and provide girls and women with inspiring role models that could lead them to pursue careers in STEM.

MetSoc continues its work in the diversity of the field through the EDI committee of MetSoc.