The Pyrometallurgy Section promotes the active exchange of information within the Canadian base metal industry. This group of researchers and industrial operators focuses on thermodynamics, slag chemistry, process fundamentals, furnace design, operating practices, minor element behavior and off-gas treatment.
COM 2024: Extractive Metallurgy from Conception to Operation: Experimentation, Simulation, Pilot and Ramp-up
This symposium gathers academic and industry experts in extractive metallurgy and focuses on the engineering pipeline that enables high energy, high temperature and high-intensity processes.
Also, the Pyrometallurgy section supports these two symposia with the Hydrometallurgy section:
- Arsenic/Minor Element Controls in Metallurgical Plants
- Electrometallurgy for a Net Zero Economy
Participate in the 63rd Annual Conference of Metallurgists on August 19 – Thursday, August 22, 2024, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Submit an abstract!
Current Initiatives
CrossTalk webinar series developed by the emerging professionals of the light metals section. Learn more by visiting our conferences and events section.
Awards & Scholarships
Our committee has created several awards for both professionals and students.
Metsoc Pyrometallurgy Student Award - in Honor of Professor Toguri
Hydrometallurgy is part of the wider field of extractive metallurgy where the science and technologies of aqueous solution chemistry are applied in an environmentally sound and cost effective ways for the recovery of metals from a wide variety of metal-bearing sources, such as ores, concentrates, intermediates and recycled materials, into useable products for the society.
Hydrometallurgy technologies form an integral part of a growing number of metallurgical processes, both in operation and in development. Canada is richly endowed with mineral resources and is a world leader in hydrometallurgical production plants, technology development and education.
The Hydrometallurgy Section serves the hydrometallurgy community in Canada and abroad by:
- Organizing timely and relevant technical conferences and short courses which provide a great forum for learning, exchange of ideas and networking opportunities
- Recognizing outstanding achievements in the field of hydrometallurgy
- Providing encouragement and support for students involved in hydrometallurgical studies and research
- Making select technical publications available on this web site.
The Section operates through a committee comprised of representatives from major mining companies in Canada, academic and research institutions, as well as technology vendors and engineering companies that have a strong presence in the field of hydrometallurgy.
Elmira Moosavi
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
Elmira has more than 10 years of knowledge and expertise in computational and experimental thermodynamics and its applications to high-temperature metallurgical processes and materials design. Elmira received her Ph.D. from McGill University in 2015. Since July 2021, Elmira has been appointed a professorship position at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Montreal. She intends to continue to contribute to sustainability, circular economy, and low-carbon economy in the metallurgical industry.
Members of the Pyrometallurgy Committee
- Leili Tafaghodi, Vice Chair, McMaster University
- Tanai Marin, Past-Chair, XPS
- Gream Goodall, Treasurer, Koniambo
- Matthew Kreuh, Awards Chair, Independent
- Matt Boulby, EP, The Metals Company
- Enzo Palumbo, BBA
- Lorena Tere, Apple
- Arthur Stokreef, Canada Nickel
- Gerardo Alvear, Independent
- Mansoor Barati, University of Toronto
- Arthur Barnes, Consultant
- Alexandros Charitos, INEMET
- Rodney Jones, Pyro Consulting
- Boyd Davis, KPM
- Maria De Campos, SNC Lavalin
- Jeff Donald, Deep Green
- Cameron Harris, CAENG
- Isabel Geldenhuys, Mintek - SAIMM
- Javad Khosravi, Mainz
- Sina Mostaghel, SNC Lavalin
- Mika Muinonen, XPS
- Roberto Parra, U. of Concepcion
- Graeme Goodall, Frontier Lithium
- Nathan Stubina, Sheritt
- Danny Rioux, Nyrstar (Auby)
- Anabel Thomas, Consultant
- Joel Kapusta, BBA
- Maria Decampos, BBA