Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Standing Committee (EDI)

MetSoc recognizes the importance of acting on equity, diversity and inclusion. These values are integral to the respectful treatment of people from all parts of our community. MetSoc appreciates the broad scope of this effort and the long-term implications for the health, vitality and sustainability of the Society and its membership. It therefore understands the need to actively lead and act on these values through conscious engagement.

EDI Definitions


Equity ensures that individual differences are not barriers to equal participation and treatment. 


Diversity is the rich composition of individual differences spanning dimensions of self-definition, organizational and social position, and world view. 


Inclusion is the condition in which all individuals feel valued and connected. 


MetSoc, with the guidance of the EDI Committee, will: 

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Standing Committee (EDI)

If there is a subject that you wish the EDI committee to consider, let us know at metsoc@cim.org

EDI Articles


EDI Committee Members

EDI Chair

Audrey Pothier

Rio Tinto

Fangyu Liu


Mohammadali Shahsavari

BQE Water

Matthew Tutty


Joseph Tortorelli


Julie Levesque

Quebec Metallurgy Centre

Sumanth Shankar

McMaster University

Greg Richards

Teck Metals, Retired

Kaan Inal

University of Waterloo

Georges Houlachi


Sidney Omelon

McGill University

Brigitte Farah

MetSoc of CIM

About EDDI Consultants

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Standing Committee (EDI)
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Standing Committee (EDI)

Jean-Philippe Beauregard, Lead Consultant, EDDI


An innovative company that provides consulting services to organizations on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) challenges. We support organizations that wish to improve their practices to adapt to the changing context of society. So that you can access to all talents, EDDI helps you create inclusive work teams (senior management, department, HR, etc.), adapted to the growing diversification of the population, workforce and your customers.

The MetSoc Board and the EDI committee selected to work with independent experts in the field of EDI, to conduct the mandate proposed by MetSoc / CIM.

EDDI Mandate

Produce EDI messages for MetSoc’s newsletter, support the Society in its goal to move towards a more inclusive organizational culture and practices & provide an online sensitization workshop/training to all EDI committee members.