Short Courses

MetSoc offers a number of short courses for purchase throughout the year.  There are courses offered at the Conference of Metallurgists and some courses are offered online and on-demand.  All of our courses online and in-person provide a certificate of completion.

Upcoming Courses

No upcoming course are available.

Recent Courses

These courses are available on-demand at the CIM Academy. Purchase is required. 

COM 2023: Furnace Refractory Design and Management

August 21, 2023

COM 2023- Pressure Hydrometallurgy – Theory, Design and Safety in Operation

August 21, 2023

COM 2023: Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Engineering Materials

August 20-21, 2023

Chloride Metallurgy

July 19, 21, 23, 2021

Corrosion in Energy Sectors

May 25+27, 2021