Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly

CMQ Journal

Devoted to the science, practice and technology of metallurgy, this journal provides a forum for the discussion and presentation of both basic and applied research developments in the area of metallurgy and materials. Visit the website to subscribe and see the content available.

CMQ Journal

Open Access Articles of the Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly

Any articles that have been published open access in this journal will be displayed on this website. These articles are available for your download and citation.

Editorial Board 2022-2024

CMQ Journal

CMQ Editor

Alessandro Navarro, McGill

Associate Editors:
Indje Mihaylov, Vale
Carl Blais, Université Laval
Joey Kish, McMaster University
Jing Liu, University of Alberta

Denise Lamy

Managing Editor (EA):
KWF Editorial Services

MetSoc Publications Chair:
André Phillion, McMaster University