Minerals Science and Engineering Student Award

2024 Recipient

Luke Woolcock

Queen's University

Luke Woolcock is a recent graduate of the Engineering Chemsitry program at Queen’s Univeristy. This past year under the supervision of Dr. Charlotte Gibson, Luke wrote his undergraduate thesis on fundamental studies in Spodumene conditioning using Fatty Acids. Luke presented his research findings from his thesis at CMP 2024, placing 3rd amongst other graduate students. Luke’s research as an undergrad led him to take on a summer role at the Critical Minerals Processing Lab under Dr. Gibson where he has expanded his research to include Copper-Nickel-Sulfide work, focusing on how the pulp chemsitry is impacted during grinding and flotation. Luke’s dedication to advancing various areas in mineral processsing had led him to pursue a role as a Shift Metallurgist at North America’s largest mine for Freeport-McMoRan in Arizona.

About the award

This student award opportunity was created with the intention of encouraging promising undergraduate and graduate students to join or remain in the field of mineral processing by offering them exposure to different career options and an opportunity to network with industry professionals. The award will support a brief four to six day visit to various places of work (a metallurgical testing laboratory, an engineering firm, and an operating site).

The award has no cash prize, but an expected monetary value of approximately $2,500 – $3,000 per recipient (subject to travel costs at the time of the award). The location of the visits will depend on the location of the selected student. One student will be selected per year.


Applicants must be an undergraduate (in their second year or more) or a graduate student (in the first two years of study) enrolled in a science or engineering program at a Canadian university.

The mining, chemical, materials, mechanical engineering, and science departments at Canadian universities will be asked to nominate two enthusiastic students to submit an application.

The nominated students must provide the following documents:

1. Proof of academic standing with an unofficial transcript

2. A cover letter documenting the following:

  • their interest in mining, metallurgy, or geology
  • what they hope to gain through the travel experience
  • their vision of the mining industry’s future

The Awards Committee of the Minerals Sciences and Engineering section will evaluate the nominees and select the student for the year. The selection will be based on the quality of the cover letter (clarity of writing, enthusiasm/ interest in the industry, and professionalism of the letter) with consideration for academic merit.

Student Award

The successful proponent will be offered to visit a laboratory, engineering firm, and operating mine.

The visits will include a brief introduction to the company, a tour of operations and facilities, meetings/introductions to leadership, and one-on-one time with a new grad to share skills and experiences.

The award will cover airfare, accommodations, and a per diem for meals.


Send your application to: minerals.science.engineering@gmail.com

The deadline is : February 27, 2025