Pyrometallurgy Student Award – In Honor Of Professor Toguri

THE CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR IS OPEN for 2025. The deadline is February 10, 2025.

The purpose of the Pyrometallurgy Student award, in honor of Professor Toguri, is to encourage and support the attainment of educational goals by students who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement at a Canadian university.

2024 Recipient

Rojin Eghbali

Western University

I am currently in my third year of pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the University of Western Ontario, where I am exploring the Kinetics of reduction of electric arc furnace dust using variety of reductants under the supervision of Dr. Ken Coley. 

My research focuses on developing a comprehensive kinetic model for the reduction of electric arc furnace dust under various conditions. This model will help establish a detailed mechanism for the reduction process. Additionally, my goal is to optimize the reduction process by exploring different reductants and minimizing carbon consumption. 

I earned a master’s degree in Materials Engineering from the University of Tehran, where I was ranked first in the national entrance exam for master’s studies in this field and graduated top of my class. During my master’s program, I researched the chemical synthesis and characterization of nanostructured manganese ferrite from low-grade manganese ore, resulting in two publications in the Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B and Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Prior to this, I completed a bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering at the Iran University of Science and Technology, with research on the heat treatment of electrodeposited Ni and W layers, published in the Electroplating Industry Magazine.


Award Terms

The value of the award is a single payment of $3,000 CAD. The amount of the award is reviewed annually by the Pyrometallurgy Section of MetSoc. No single individual should hold more than one student award within MetSoc including its Technical sections in a given year. One award shall be made each year. However, the Award Committee may decide not to make an award if a suitable recipient is not identified.


The candidate should be registered in a Master’s or Ph.D. program in the field of pyrometallurgy during the 2023/2024 academic year in a Canadian university.

Pyrometallurgy Student Award – In Honor Of Professor Toguri
Pyrometallurgy Student Award – In Honor Of Professor Toguri

Recipient’s Obligation

Information for the Student Scholarship Recipients

The award shall be presented at the Conference of Metallurgists. At that time, the recipient may be requested to speak on a subject of major interest to them in the field of metallurgy.

We encourage student recipients to apply for student travel funding (if travel is more than 500km) through the MetSoc Student program to help subsidize travel costs. The Pyrometallurgy section may grant the student recipients a complimentary ticket for the award banquet.

a. The applicant’s resume; including related experience in the field of pyrometallurgy. Indicate internships, work and/or co-op experience, academic courses and projects related to the pyrometallurgy. Current involvement in extracurricular activities is a plus.

b. Student statement of intent; including the applicant’s a career/educational objectives in pyrometallurgy, how this award would help her/him in achieving these objectives, future plans to stay involved in the pyrometallurgical industry or research community (max. 1 page).

c. Name of at least one reference to be contacted upon request.

d. The applicant should be willing to become a member of the MetSoc Pyrometallurgy section, attend the section meetings on a regular basis, and help in future conferences or section activities.

(The transcript of the student is no longer required)

The nomination criteria: are academic excellence, research potential, leadership, community service and extra-curricular activities. The adjudication of the scholarship shall be made by the Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM. In making its determination, the MetSoc Pyrometallurgy Executive Committee will consider the academic excellence of the nominee and make a selection on the basis of demonstrated achievement and potential for significant contributions to the field.


The scholarship application program is closed for 2024.